Decoding The Boxes


Please fill out the form below:

Please write down your first name & the last 3 digits of your mobile/home phone number:

Supporting Notes:
This could be a dream job or role, an expression of your creativity, thinking, personality, identity or anything that matters to you.

Q1 part 1 | How much freedom do you perceive you give yourself in this area?

On a Scale 1-5

1 being No Freedom and 5 being Total Freedom

Q1 part 2 | How much freedom do you perceive you have from society in this area?

On a scale between 1 and 5

1 being No Freedom and 5 being Total Freedom

Q2 | How would you rate your general feeling about yourself?

On a scale between 1 and 5

1 being as bad as it could be and 5 being as good as it could be

Q3 | During the last three weeks, how energic and engaged have you been by your work/role?

On a scale between 1 and 5

1 being None to Little and 5 being Highly
